Wiki Mental health billers.....


Kokomo, Indiana
Best answers
Hi All,
My current company that I work for is going to be closing due to the owner retiring. The other therapists there would like me to continue billing for them. So I am looking for anyone out there who does independent billing for mental health. I would like to know what software you use and how much you are charging? Do you bill by each individual client or by the month? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. Currently, I am familiar with Therapist Helper and Ability for claim submission. Again this is for mental health.
Thank you,

I was in a similar situation 4 years ago. My billing company was downsizing their client list and employees and I took on the group of therapists that we did billing for. Fortunately for me, this group had their own system. It is Therapy Appointment. It is not the best EMR that I've worked with but is probably middle of the road. I work for them as an independent contractor so I receive a 1099 at the end of the year. I am responsible for paying my own taxes quarterly if need be. My rate is $25/hour. I have been thinking of raising that recently. I found a free time clock on the web and keep track of my hours that way. I send them an invoice once a month. Hope this helps.
Thank you for your reply. I was wondering how did you obtain your tax ID for your company? I assume that I need one for being an independent billing contractor. I really appreciate any steps you could give me to get started. Thank you!!