Now I am sorry I have to come back.
Your argument not to place the” suppression of menstruation” in the
Well, in my OBGYN career of 30yrs , me or any OBGYN giving a diagnosis of “suppression of” menstruation as a diseased condition, though it makes sense to include suppressed condition too. It is only documented as a necessity or perfoming as an act of SUPPRESSION OF MENSTRUATION. That is the way it is placed in the ICD-9 code too after careful thoughts and the panel acceptance with many thoughts from AMA . The act of producing a condition of “suppression of menstruation” itself SUFFICE to report it with 626.8, irrespective of the induced condition in otherwise normally menstruating who needs the medical intervention .
You kindly read my previous post and if you do not understand it the way it should be, take as the manual says. If not agreeing, clarify with any OBGYN PHYSICIAN /CONSULTANT.
Then diagnosis of suppression of Menstruation is given by the physician when the necessity for suppression sets in, not by you and me.
natural suppression by bodily hormones
usually goes with the term “delayed period”, if it does not meet the secondary amennorrhea criteria which is defined as the absence of mensus for 6 months (or greater than three times the previous cycle intervals) in a woman who had been menstruating before. AND FOR YOUR KIND INFORMATION, IT DOES NOT GO WITH THE TERM “SUPPRESSTION OF MENSTRUATION” diagnosis by and large by the physicians and their documentation
The term Suppression Of Menstruation is universally and commonly accepted and used in practice by the OBGYN exclusively for creating/producing a condition of suppression of already menstruating women for some reason and that is how the AMA has placed the term “suppression of “ menstruation into that category though it is an induced status,(with no other place being given) whether it is a mis- norm or misplaced, as per your concept, to be there ; it is to be accepted for coding purpose too in such scenario.
Hi, there, don't extend to say I AM STUCK with the word. Yes as a medical professionalist, I have to be detailed so, because it is a human life we are dealing with and we cannot slack or afford to have any morbidity or mortality on any account.That is MEDICINE AND THE HEALTH PROFESSION. So also I wish to carry on with the payment system with minor details being given importance