Hi Myamirandaa,🙂
Here is what I got out of new 2023 codes update from article in Jan 2023 Healthcare Billing journal...

1.Deleted observation hospital codes 99217 -99220, use subsequent inpatient codes 99221-99233 instead
2. Initial care can be billed one doc, but others in same practice or same specialty cannot bill too. Now if in differ medical specialty can bill same day.
3.Can use modifier 25 if patient seen same day but treated 2 differ place like EMR and doc visits or clinic outpt. setting
4. Can use modifier 27 only for hospital setting... if pt seen same date but different dept or differ clinics or EMR,
5. Can bill EMR and critical care same date
6. Ensure that treatment time is added in documentation record for beh health, video, telehealth, phone, critical, prolong care, phys therapy, smoking cessations CPT codes of care. 7.Provider needs to state spent so much time with patent treating this or that illness in current documentation
8. Eval mgnt codes still use documentation of M.E.A.T monitor evaluate assessment and treat patient. This involves amount of illness, chronic care, medication give , lab test Etc.
9. There are lots new dx codes only 2 remember is Endometriosis see block dx N80 for females got more detailed stages. Also if pt returns with COVID 19 again use dx U09

What do you think? Well I hope helped you understand a little bit more.:)
Lady T
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