Wiki meet & greet - Help!! any thoughts

Help!! any thoughts on how I would bill out for a parent of a minor who would like to meet with the provider prior to the actual initial visit for the child. :(

Look at 99201-99205 or 99212-99215, depending if its a new or established patient. You will notice that the CPT descriptor says "...patient and/or family..." Keep in mind, however, that many payers do not allow payment for E/M services that do include face to face time with the patient.
meet and greet

Remember the overarching criteria for an E/M visit is medical necessity. Where is the medical necessity to this visit? I don't believe it's a billable service.

Stephanie Moore, CPC, CPMA
President Seacoast Dover NH Chapter
Last edited: bill for an E/M the patient must be present and face to face..

Stephanie Moore, CPC, CPMA
President Seacoast Dover NH Chapter

I respectfully disagree. According to CPT definition, the patient does NOT have to be present to use these codes. It may indeed be medically necessary for the provider to meet with a family member.
Tagging on to this conversation--

What if a patient comes in for meet and greet to establish care and has no complaints or diagnoses? Would a well person dx Z0000 be used with the E/M?