Wiki Medication to Support Diagnosis


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My understanding was you can not code a Diag using a medication to support a Diagnosis if it is not stated that is what the medication is for.
For Example in the PMH there is Asthma 1990 and the meds list am Inhaler but it is not stated the Inhaler is for Asthma then you can not code Asthma. If however the Dr. listed the Inhaler and stated for Asthma you can code the asthma. Does anyone know where I can find documentation of this or am I incorrect? Thanks!
Personally, I would not assume, I would query the physician since some medications could be used to treat different conditions. The physician should be documenting the status of the chronic, in this case asthma, not just stating a year.
this is one question that i see a lot of. there are certian drugs that are only used to treat certian diseases, and if worded correctly then one could code from a medication list, or reference to meds within the note. as an example PPI are only used for GERD, LHRH [Eliguard] shots are only used treat prostate cancer, and certian inhalers are only used for COPD. so the best advice is to have a nice chat with provider, have them reference Rx to Dx, such as continue meds for GERD, COPD or COPD doing well continue meds.
one can not and should not just look at med list and start associating diseases to meds and code away; it has to be a case by case situation; and there are some instances where mention of meds given in an inpatient setting is suitable to code for dx; but again on a case by case basis.
hope this doesn't confuse you too much. :cool: