Wiki Medicare Secondary Payer and Auto Liability?


Williamsburg, VA
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I have been a coder for 3 years but somewhat recently took a job with more responsibility. Instead of strictly coding, I do front end insurance verification, coding, and back end claim submissions, payment posting, re-working denials, etc.

When I pull someone up and if Medicare is not their primary due to them still being employed having group health insurance it shows there.

But when someone has had a recent auto accident it shows there too and Medicare becomes secondary to them as well and won't pay with rejection codes that says Medicare is secondary to another health plan.

My question is how do you go about filing these claims? What's the process? 99% of the time the reason our patient is here is unrelated to the accident. Today I pulled up a patient and it says USAA auto liability is primary, so I called them up. The auto claim was closed in October 2014, and they said we could submit a claim to them and it will be rejected, but what's next? How do you end up billing Medicare? Any guidance is greatly appreciated!
From what I understand (as a biller, myself) - the patient needs to call in Medicare member services and update their coordination of benefits. Once Medicare updates their systems, you wait about 10 days (to be exact) and re-file the claim electronically and the claim will be paid accordingly.