Wiki Medicare Rules for 95044


Tampa, FL
Best answers
I was wondering if anyone can help me. I have a dermatology practice that does patch tests often.

There are two PA's currently working in the practice. They both saw the same patient one on 4/30 and the other on 5/4. No other charges for these dates of service except for 95044(36 units).

Can anyone tell me if Medicare has a limit on how many of these tests they will pay for with a time frame? I.E. once per year, once per lifetime.

Any help is appreciated Thanks
My MAC is Novitas in Texas - I have billed 60 units before with no denial.
I would call her MAC and ask if there are any limits or look up this cpt's coverage policy with CMS
My MAC is Novitas in Texas - I have billed 60 units before with no denial.
I would call your MAC and ask if there are any limits or look up this cpt's coverage policy with CMS