Wiki Medicare Reimbursment for Telephone Codes 99411-99443


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I know many of you are probably trying to wrap your head around the use of Telehealth during this Public Health Emergency. I've done a lot of reading about the correct way to bill for Telehealth for Medicare. I need some help regarding the Telephone visits.

I understand from what I read today that Medicare is allowing physicians to bill for Telephone only calls if a patient does not have access to audio/video. I found the codes they want billed are 99441-99443. Does anyone know what Medicare will reimburse for these codes?? I can't find it anywhere.

I really appreciate any help!!!
Per Supercoder, the national reimbursement is below. Keep in mind your area's conversion factor could change the exact rate.
G2012 $14.80
99441 $14.44
99442 $28.15
99443 $41.14