Wiki Medicare Reimbursement Assistant surgeon


Greenville, NC
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I am trying to find documentation on the Medicare website in regard to the percentage amount Medicare reimburses for the assistant surgeon if he is a Physician and how much if he is an PA assistant.

If the fee schedule states Medicare will reimburse $1360.32 as the Non-facility price for CPT code 27130 with North Carolina being the specific locality, what percentage of that should the assistant receive as a physician and as a PA?

I have read some documentation that Medicare on different websites will reimburse 16% of the allowable if the assistant is a Physician and about 10.4% if the assistant is a PA; however, I can't locate this in writing on the Medicare site. Does anyone know if these percentages are correct and where I may find the documentation?
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check the "medicare benefits policy manual" chapt 15 sect. 190


I beleive the % are also listed in the "medicare claims processing manual" sect 110

I cant seem to link it for you - im not that fresh