Wiki Medicare preventative visit


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My doctor wants G0101,GA billed with Q0091,GA and no E/M codes. The ICD-9 is V76.2, the patient is 69yo and hasn?t had a PAP/screening in the past 2 years. We have had a lot of problems with this. Why would G0101 get paid and NOT Q0091?
If the patient has has a total hyst you would not use the V76.2 at all as there is no cervix to PAP, if a PAP was performed it would be a vaginal PAP.. V76.47. The well woman is coded as V72.31 and includes the V76.2, but you must add the V76.47 and the Vcode for the absence of uterus and cervix.
No hysterectomy

The patient has had a tubal ligation but no partial or total removal of uterus. Thank you for your responses!