Wiki Medicare for anesthesia services that start on one date then goes over

West Chazy, NY
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Hello Forum
We have denials from Medicare for anesthesia services that start on one date then goes overnight to the next date. Medicare is denying unprocessable MA130.
M52 missing/incomplete/invalid from date of service, M59: missing/incomplete/invalid to date of service.
They want a new claim. I cannot appeal, the claim gets dismissed. Our computer system has the fields for the start time, end time and the start date, end date. Is anyone else having problems with this issue?
If so, what are you doing to correct the issue?
Thank you
Hello Forum,
I am also having the same issue, Medicare and commercial BCBS is denying for anesthesia services that start on one date and roll over to the next date (over midnight). Example: start date is 06.01.2021 and stop date is 06.02.2021, start time 10:48pm stop time 02.36am. The denial is stating M125, CO16, claim lacks info needed for adjudication and missing/incomp/invld time performed for svc/suppl. The payers have both responded they need clarification on the date of service. I'm not sure how to correct the start/end service date. Should I submit two separate claims for each service date?