Wiki Medicare drug screens


Gallatin , TN
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I work at a pain management group and we bill for urine drug screens. Up until this past Monday we were billing Medicare the G0431 with DX V5883. This no longer works and says it is an inappropriate code. Is anyone else having this problem?! I am confused as to what to use for the DX now.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!
According to the ICD 9 under V58.83 you should be using an additional code for any associated long-term (current) drug use (V58.61-V58.69). I would try to submit it with the V58.83 and the appropriate code from the V58.61-V58.69. Please let me know if that is accepted by them. Thanks!!
medicare and uds

We were billing Medicare G0434 and were getting paid. Now they have started denying it for rejection:
50-These are non-covered services because this is not deemed a 'medical necessity' by the payer. Note: Refer to the 835 Healthcare Policy Identification Segment (loop 2110 Service Payment Information REF), if present.

M25-The information furnished does not substantiate the need for this level of service. If you believe the service should have been fully covered as billed, or if you did not know and could not reasonably have been expected to know that we would not pay for this level of service, or if you notified the patient in writing in advance that we would not pay for this level of service and he/she agreed in writing to pay, ask us to review your claim within 120 days of the date of this notice. If you do not request an appeal, we will, upon application from the patient, reimburse him/her for the amount you have collected from him/her in excess of any deductible and coinsurance amounts. We will recover the reimbursement from you as an overpayment.

N115-This decision was based on a Local Coverage Determination (LCD). An LCD provides a guide to assist in determining whether a particular item or service is covered. A copy of this policy is available at, or if you do not have web access, you may contact the contractor to request a copy of the LCD.

It sounds like were are gonna need an ABN for this service. Medicare was closed tdy
(1/31/14). Any advise would be appreciated! Brandy