Wiki Medicare denial 81002


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I'm not sure why, but sometimes I can get Medicare to pay for a 81002 and other times I get the denial Procedure/service was partially or fully furnished by another provider. Once again, I'm just learning and our Nurse Practioner codes all the visit. I just have to find out why when they don't get paid. Thanks for your help.

Hi, are you billing these with E/M codes? If you are then that could be whats doing it. According to CCI Edits 81002 is incusive to E/M office visit.
According to CCI edits these should not be bundled codes. I just looked it up on AAPC coder and checked the CCI edits. I never had a problem getting 81002 paid until recently. The 25 modifier does get it paid though. Just doesn't make sense. It is not routine to check UA on everybody unless you are a Urologist or OB.