Wiki medicare colonoscopy question

Jamie Dezenzo

True Blue
Horseshoe Bend, AR
Best answers
Hello all,

Pre OP dx: Ulcerative Colitis
Post Op dx: normal colon. No evidence of colitis.

In indiations states "hx of ulcerative colitis"

Colonscopy was ok but did state " will start to wean him off his Asacol"

Would this be 45378 and still use Dx 556.9 or G0105 w/ V dx?

Hello all,

Pre OP dx: Ulcerative Colitis
Post Op dx: normal colon. No evidence of colitis.

In indiations states "hx of ulcerative colitis"

Colonscopy was ok but did state " will start to wean him off his Asacol"

Would this be 45378 and still use Dx 556.9 or G0105 w/ V dx?


I wouldn't use the G code as that was not the intent (screening) for the endoscopy. I'm assuming the intent was to monitor the presence of the ulcerative colitis. If the patient was not experiencing any symptoms of the colitis which would have caused the endoscopy to be done, I would use V12.79 (Other diseases of the digestive system) which can be used as a primary dx. If there were any other symptoms the patient was experiencing, I would use that/those first and then the V code. Hope this helps!

VDavis, CPC
He states "will start to wean him off his Asacol" Could it be that the colonoscopy was performed to assess the drug effectiveness? If so that would be V58.83 with V58.69 and then the V12.79. Just a thought.