Wiki Medicare Blood Work??


Priest River , ID
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I have been given a very frustrating PI Project. The lab is sending me a list of Medicare Patients that signed an ABN at the time of their blood draw. I am to review the orders to see if the Dx is appropriate for the patient. We have some providers picking V70.0 for everything and some provider will use a dx when its really screening. So.... my question at this time is I had a patient come in after her eye exam and her Dr their wanted her checked for DM due to her complaint of blurred vision and trouble focusing. The provider chose V77.1 screening DM. At her visit to go over this test provider said she had imparied fasting glucose. I had went to a 3M seminar and I thought they had said the provider could update their order once the test came back. Is this true? If so can I have the provider update this lab order to 790.21 and resubmit to Medicare?
Nichole :confused:
no screening is based on criteria not symptoms, according to coding guidelines screening V codes must always be listed first regardless of findings. the finds can be listed secondary but are not necessary. When the physician sees the patient after the screening to go over the results then that visit can have the findings as the dx codeand not screening, but the lab test must have screening as the dx code.