Wiki Medicare Annual Wellness, Initial visit


Cameron, NC
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For a Medicare Annual Wellness, initial visit what if any screening services are billable? From my understanding many screening tests performed during AWV are included and not separately billable. Are screening test such as Foot Exam (Monofilament), Hearing Assessment (Whisper test), Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Prescription and Illicit Drug Abuse, Suicidal ideation, Presence of Firearms in the, Home Elder Abuse, Personal Safety, Incontinence, Performed SPPB for functional assessment, and Mini cog test billed separately and if so would you use HCPCS codes like G0442, G0444 etc? Advice is much appreciated!
For a Medicare Annual Wellness, initial visit what if any screening services are billable? From my understanding many screening tests performed during AWV are included and not separately billable. Are screening test such as Foot Exam (Monofilament), Hearing Assessment (Whisper test), Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Prescription and Illicit Drug Abuse, Suicidal ideation, Presence of Firearms in the, Home Elder Abuse, Personal Safety, Incontinence, Performed SPPB for functional assessment, and Mini cog test billed separately and if so would you use HCPCS codes like G0442, G0444 etc? Advice is much appreciated!
Here is the link to the Medicare preventative services chart. It will tell you what is covered and the frequency that it is covered. I have also attached the documentation requirements for an Annual Wellness Visit.


  • Annual Wellness Visit (AWV) Documentation Checklist.pdf
    78.7 KB · Views: 25