Wiki Medicare and RPM codes incompatible?


Mooresville, NC
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On the topic of CPT RPM codes, I found the following: "Note: CPT code 99091 was the original way to bill for remote patient monitoring. Over the past several years, its limitations and requirements had made it rarely reported due to the availability of the newer codes listed above. However, the 2021 Medicare physician fee schedule final rule might change the frequency that CPT 99091 is reported as CMS now permits billing the code with newer codes. In other words, providers can bill for "complex" RPM management when the provider must spend significant time managing the patient and their RPM care plan. CMS also stated that 99091 can be billed each 30 days whenever such complex provider management occurs without affecting the practice's ability to bill clinical staff time via CPT 99457 each calendar month."

However, the CPT book 2022 says "do not report CPT 99091 in conjunction with 99457,99458"

** Does this mean that we CAN bill both codes, but not on the same day? As in billing 99091 to capture the data evaluation on Oct 7th and billing 99457 (+ 99458) later in the month to capture the direct interaction via telehealth modalities? Or do I have this wrong?