Wiki Medicare and 92929

Liberty, NC
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Is there a way to get Medicare to pay this CPT code. Someone in another Cardiology office told me to code 92928 2x with a different artery for each, but that is not how i read it in CPT. Is this correct?
You would bill 92928 for a stent in each major artery - LD, LC, LM, RC, RI. If another stent was done in another separate artery, bill 92928-59. If another stent was done in a branch of the same artery as the first stent, bill 92929.

Example: Stent in LAD with another stent in 1st diagonal branch - 92928-LD & 92929-LD.

Stent in LAD and another stent in RC - 92928-LD & 92928-59,RC.

The same thing goes for all the intervention codes.

Now, CMS has said they won't pay for the add on codes (92929 for stents) as they bundle the work in with the first stent. We haven't had any payors reimburse for this.