Wiki Medicare-Advice on how to handle labs


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Hi All,

I'm not sure if any of you would have some advice for me and billing Medicare for labs....any suggestions would be appriciated.

The situation I am facing is this:

We have many care clinics (see retail setting, primary and prev care mostly), wanting to provide labs to Medicare patients. These labs will be sent out to an outside lab, and the lab will bill Medicare. EXEPT for the CLIA waived labs, the clinic will bill for those.

My concern is this:

How can I help clinic staff determine if:

1) Medicare will cover the lab with the patient's medical history, presenting problem.
2) Understand when to have the patients signing ABNs
Med Assets an asset

Sign up for Med Assets. This will allow you to pull up any LCD or bulletins listing what dx will cover testing for Medicare. As far as ABN's, if that is allowed by your facility, implement ABN"S; but first make sure, your patient base is educated and notified.