Wiki Medicare 99211


Medford, OR
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We have a lot of medicare 99211 claims that are not being paid. Is anyone else having this problem. My clearing house tells me it needs a G code attached and they have been returned to provider. I do not find where a G code is needed for 99211 on the CMS web site. We are an FQHC.

Thank you in advance.
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if you are an FQHC 99211 is no longer a billable code as it does not require a face to face with the Provider.
our MAC Noridian has billing information for FQHC's that includes all billable "G" codes and what CPT codes qualify as an FQQHC visit.
99211 and FQHC

We are an FQHC as well and CMS states, that a 99211 is not a billable FQHC encounter. Remember it is thought of as encounter not visit. CMS states(if I understood correctly) that it would be reimbursed at the encounter prior to the nurse visit or after the nurse visit. Meaning, it is already paid for. :)