Wiki Medical Residents - Please help!!


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We have some medical residents that are coming in to work with one of our physicians (clinic setting). Would we bill them under our physician's NPI or their teaching physician's NPI (who is not present)? Also, is there anything else that we would need to add to the documentation/claims?
Thank you for your help!
your physician has to oversee the residents. He has to be physically examining the patient as well as well as charting such. Residents cannot bill under their own name; the claim has to be under "supervising physicians'" name and NPI. There are very strict documentation and physical presence requriements for this. I suggest for concrete how to's directly from the govt. and search for the guideline for residents.
Our physician is going to be there. Their instructor from the medical school is not. In this case, would we use the NPI for our physician who is directly supervising the residents? How would this look on the CMS-1500?
you would only report the physician on the claim with his NPI number. He has to do addendums on every residents note. He has to actually exam the patient and document his own note with findings. He cannot state "I agree with the residents findings and plan of care" or what have you. I suggest printing out the guidelines from the CMS site to make sure everything will be compliant.