Wiki $$ Medical Record Copy


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We have a patient in our practice who has requested her medical record because she is seen another primary care doctor. Is acceptible to charge $$ for a copy of her medical record? I am not sure about it.
If the patient wants them for thier own record then you can charge them the allowed amount according to the guidlines (kansas) which is 18.40 charge for doing it and then .61 per page. The patient has that option or you can tell them you will be happy to fax them over to the new doctor free of charge. Hope this helps.
What we do in NY is we just charge per page (.75) or send it to his/her doctor free of charge.
in CT if the patient wants the records for themselves it is $.65 p/page... if the patient signs a release to transfer him/her records to another physician, you do not charge for the records.