Wiki Medical Decision Making Question


Dayton, Ohio
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I have a question regarding medical decision making and need some feedback. I have an issue where the first listed condition in the assessment and plan was for conjunctivitis. A new problem with an antibiotic prescribed. Also in the assessment and plan was seizure disorder and mention of ordering drug levels for toxicity for phenobarbital for intensive monitoring. My question is whether high medical decision making can be applied to this visit for the drug therapy requiring monitoring.
I believe you mean high risk, not high medical decision making. Risk is just one of the 3 elements that contribute to the overall medical decision making. To answer the question, I would certainly say it is a high risk encounter, since the riskiest thing was the drug management requiring intensive monitoring (phenobarbital). It doesn't really matter that the first thing listed in the Assessment/Plan was conjunctivitis, the fact that the seizure disorder necessitated a high risk management option means that overall this is a high risk encounter.