Wiki Medical Decision Making Changes?


Vandalia, IL
Best answers
Has there been a change to the Number of Diagnosis or Treatment area to now state "New Problem(to patient)? All of my documentation and Audit Tools state "New Prob.(to examiner).
I have not seen this anywhere. MDM measures the provider's mental labor, so a patient knowing they have a condition won't affect that status of the problem as new or established. It might affect the risk level (a patient who has had a condition for a long time and it's under control is lower risk than chronic w/exacerbation or deterioration.)
Has there been a change to the Number of Diagnosis or Treatment area to now state "New Problem(to patient)? All of my documentation and Audit Tools state "New Prob.(to examiner).

Not that I have seen anywhere. I use the same in teaching - new problem to provider.
Do you have any references to show us the possible change? I haven't seen any changes to the Dx/Mx section of the MDM as of yet either.