Wiki Medical Coding Classes-Please Reply

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Good Evening Everyone,

I thought I would come to this board and seek advice and perhaps, any words of inspiration you can send my way. I started my coding classes through AAPC recently, and I'm having a difficult time understanding the guidelines. I've done extremely well in my medical terminology and Anatomy courses, but I've fallen flat on my face in the coding process. I'm only on chapter 4 of my studies. Some aspects of it seem a bit contradictory to me, and it's frustrating me to the point where I'm finding myself in tears. I want to do well so badly for many reasons, but my main reason is to have a better life for my family, but I just can't remember some of the guidelines. For instance, an issue I'm having is sequencing the codes in proper order.

Has anyone felt this way when they first started learning the medical coding field? Any useful tips, stories, same frustrations, words of encouragement you may have for me, I'd really appreciate it.

Thank you! :):(

Coding can be frustrating for a new coder. Remember that you're learning something new so be gentle with yourself and breath. I have 3 years coding experience and I still have a lot to learn it's so many ways you can grow in this field. When you're sequencing think about the primary reason for the visit it may be signs/symptoms or a definitive diagnosis (after workup). Keep pushing forward you can do it
medical coding classes

Good Evening Everyone,

I thought I would come to this board and seek advice and perhaps, any words of inspiration you can send my way. I started my coding classes through AAPC recently, and I'm having a difficult time understanding the guidelines. I've done extremely well in my medical terminology and Anatomy courses, but I've fallen flat on my face in the coding process. I'm only on chapter 4 of my studies. Some aspects of it seem a bit contradictory to me, and it's frustrating me to the point where I'm finding myself in tears. I want to do well so badly for many reasons, but my main reason is to have a better life for my family, but I just can't remember some of the guidelines. For instance, an issue I'm having is sequencing the codes in proper order.

Has anyone felt this way when they first started learning the medical coding field? Any useful tips, stories, same frustrations, words of encouragement you may have for me, I'd really appreciate it.

Thank you! :):(

Hi Cherry,

I have felt the same way as you even with experience in the field.:) I always recommend that you find your local AAPC chapter and attend the meetings. In fact you can attend any meeting with any chapter and you may find guidance at any one of them. A secret for you: Many doctors offices and facilities have special tools to help them sequence codes, so don't get frustrated. Relax. You won't learn in a day, as they say, practice, practice practice and one day, it will just come to you:)

You will not be expected to memorize guidelines, just know where they are in the book. That's why it's an open book test. Get to a chapter meeting and maybe you can find a mentor.

Are you able to work during the day? Sometimes just being in a medical office is a great way to learn.

You will do well, because you have an incentive to do well.

Nancy Price, CPC,CPMA
Thank you both very much for replying to my message! It made me feel better!! I'm a stay at home mommy to a 3 year little one, so finding the time to study and hit the books, both comes to odd times during the day. Whenever I get my study time in, I try to consume as much as I can. I end up cramming, which isn't good, and as a result, I'm frustrated and then anxiety takes over.

I'm going to try and remember what you both said, and I will keep marching on. I hope this time next year, I'll have a nice job. :) Thank you!!
Good Evening Everyone,

I thought I would come to this board and seek advice and perhaps, any words of inspiration you can send my way. I started my coding classes through AAPC recently, and I'm having a difficult time understanding the guidelines. I've done extremely well in my medical terminology and Anatomy courses, but I've fallen flat on my face in the coding process. I'm only on chapter 4 of my studies. Some aspects of it seem a bit contradictory to me, and it's frustrating me to the point where I'm finding myself in tears. I want to do well so badly for many reasons, but my main reason is to have a better life for my family, but I just can't remember some of the guidelines. For instance, an issue I'm having is sequencing the codes in proper order.

Has anyone felt this way when they first started learning the medical coding field? Any useful tips, stories, same frustrations, words of encouragement you may have for me, I'd really appreciate it.

Thank you! :):(
I got onto this forum today for the exact same reasons! I too am feeling overwhelmed and discouraged. I too did very well in Med Term and Anatomy and Physiology and am so frustrated with the coding aspect! I logged on here today looking for some advice and I was also thinking of attending my local chapter meetings to get some one on one face to face help or advice. I've even looked into a tutor as well. I think I have a chapter down, and do well on the quiz and the practical applications but then just pass the exam. My trouble lies within dissecting the patient case notes and pulling out the info I need. I am very concerned about taking the exam due to the fact that we have about 2 minutes to answer each question and it's taking me more like 20 minutes for each question! Does anyone know if the exam questions are long and lengthy? I'm so concerned about the time factor for the exam. Any info will be appreciated! Thank you!
You aren't alone! I think I will try to attend a chapter meeting if I can. It might be hard for me to do since I have a toddler, and no one to watch him while I go to a meeting. I'm having a difficult time applying the guidelines to coding and sequencing. Every time I think I'm finally grasping the concept, I either forget what I've learned, or lose confidence in myself because I got the wrong answer. I try to stay positive by telling myself "if other people can do it, so can I," but it's hard staying confident. yesterday was a bad day for me in terms of coming to frustration. I can't help but cry sometimes. i want to learn this, and o this, but some aspects of coding just aren't sinking in. I'm concerned about taking the exam, also. I'd like to find some good info out about it as well. It takes me a good bit of time to answer some cases. Some questions are easy to answer, and like you, some questions take me a lengthy amount of time to answer. Good luck! :)