Wiki Medical Billing


Drummonds, TN
Best answers
I have a degree in Medical Billing & Coding. How can I get a job in this field, I have been trying since I graduated in 2012? Any suggestions??????
Good morning,

While your degree will/can help you in the long run, you might want to consider starting a little lower and get in through a front desk position. Positions like: Medical Office Specialist, Patient Registration, Receptionist (in a medical office), Patient Financial Services (Billing Specialist). These might not sound like the dream job, however they will/can help lay the foundation on a solid career in Billing and Coding. Most Managers prefer experience over degrees when looking at new hires, and if you can show you have some type of experience, and the right aptitude/grit, then you should be a good job candidate. If you graduated in 2012, but didn't really use your degree (hopefully you still worked at some job), then a long 5-6 year gap might not look too great on your resume. Make sure you fill out any gaps (stay-at-home, volunteer, etc), so your future job employer can see what you spent your time on.

Getting a job is a mix between qualifications and timing. I've been searching for another job since February, and just landed a new job before the holidays. I started out as an Admitting Registrar (Patient Registration) and worked myself up to the job I have now. I'm still not in my dream job, but each step has given me valuable experience and knowledge.

Let me know if you have any specific job related questions, and good luck in the job hunt.