Wiki Medical biller needs help


Local Chapter Officer
Reno, NV
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Hi so this is my first time on year. I'm new to AAPC and currently working on my CPC, I have been in medical billing for 10+ years now, I have to know some coding of course and modifier usage; however, I have not got where I get a case and code it straight from the physician, but I can tell ya all the ins and outs of billing for all types of physicians. My question is, can I get a coding position pretty easy being I have all the backgrounds, medical terminology and such or would I still be considered new and inexperienced in this position. I am just missing that certification which I hope to get next month and I'm sure there is still much to learn on that end doing only coding day to day, but there is a lot with coding I have already done in my current job now, like I said I just have never coded straight from a report and the doctors I work for now code all their own stuff, we just input the charges and send off thru our clearinghouse. Thank you for any responses and suggestions ahead of time!! :)
My name is Mackenzie and I too have several years of experience in billing and coding for a Physical Therapy clinic. I resigned from my job to complete a certification course and gain my CPC credential. I have been posting resumes and applications to many job websites for the past 2 weeks. I have not gotten any replies. I also have a Bachelors degree in Clinical Exercise Physiology. That degree along with a massage therapy certification has given me extensive knowledge of Anatomy and Medical Terminology. I am not having much luck finding employment and seeing that I quit my job to gain the skills I felt would boost me to the top of the list I am starting to worry. If you find anything out I would soo appreciate any guidance I can get. I hope the best for you on your exam. There are 4 versions and I can testify that some versions are easier than others. The first time I took it I missed passing by 2 points. It was super hard and I left the testing center in tears. The second time I had half an hour to spare and I passed with a B. Best of luck to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I also worked in billing for 10 years and it really helped me when I decided to get my CPC certification. We only had 1 coder at the time and she convinced me to take a 1 week boot camp and take test with her. I passed on first try. The company I worked for was opening up another coding position so I was lucky to get the position as soon as I got my certification.
if you cannot code from an op report at this point, frankly you are going to stuggle with the CPC exam. Take the AAPC online course or get your hands on study materials. Your billing background will help in the long run. One reason why I landed my current coding job is because of my extensive billing background.
one more thing: with the AAPC CPC exam it is 150 questions. You receive a percentage score, not a "grade". 70% and above is passing.