Wiki Medicaid Secondary and Billing No show Fees

I am also interested in other's input on this. My thought would be yes, if they signed a waiver with your office about no show penalties, since you would not be charging for services.

ETA: I found articles discussing this and it seems CMS actually allows providers to charge no show fees provided it is applied to all patients equally (and I assume at the very least that the patient is aware of the office's policy, very likely with signed agreement). CMS Medicare Claims Processing Manual (Pub. 100-04), Chapter 1, Section 30.3.13
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Medicaid does not allow billing for no show appointments. If Medicare does not allow the charges Medicaid can not be billed for the no show fee.
Alaska Medicaid allows patients to be billed for no show fee. You will want to check your provider handbook but ours did not have it in there. I read the patient handbook and that is where it was stated.