Wiki medial canthus tumor

paula f3

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If I could please have some input as how to code this.
The patient was brought to the operating room and under adequate local anesthesia and IV sedation, the patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. I made an incision just medial to the tumor in the lines of Langer in the radix area. I dissected that initially, got deep to it totally and then subcutaneous then dissected it out amost entirely in 1 piece. It was sent for pathological evaluation. Everything was copiously irrigated and meticulous hemostasis was obtained. The wound was closed in layers. The subcutaneous layer was closed using 4-0 Vicryl and the skin was closed using 5-0 nylon. Bacitracin was applied, followed bya Band-Aid. There were no complications.

Path report reported Apocrine cystadenoma.
Being that obviously had to go deep in to the subQ, would 67961 be approproiate? or should I use the integ skin codes?
Thank you for your help.