Wiki Medi-Cal Newborn Reimbursement


Bremen, GA
Best answers
I realize this is a long shot but, has anyone billed newborn claims to California Health and Wellness? I've been getting denials as "payment included in allowance for another service".
I reviewed the CA Health and Wellness Global Maternity Package policy; however, it does not specify if the charges for the newborn hospitalization are also included in the mother's global package.
I reviewed the mom's claim, and it doesn't appear to have paid more than the expected amount.
I called and spoke to a representative and he stated he was unsure if the newborn charges were supposed to be included in the mother's allowance. He sent one of the claims back for reprocessing, but I don't want to waste time with these if the charges ultimately are supposed to be included in mom's allowance.
I replied to your post on the OB/GYN forum. It would be best if you only posted your question to one forum group, that would help you get all of your responses posted in once place rather than having the responses being spread out between your multiple posts.