Wiki Med refills


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We are having a little debate in my office over dx V68.1, med refills. We code for an urgent care company. I audited a chart yesterday where the patient came in and explained that she has chronic back pain and asthma, both of which are well controlled with her medication. The day before she came to our clinic, she went to her scheduled PCP appointment, only to discover that the office had closed. Now, she's coming into to our clinic for the sole purpose of getting her medications refilled while she looks for a new PCP. The provider did an exam and noted back pain. I consider this visit a very straight-forward medication refill, but my co-worker tells me that because there is a documented symptom in the exam, it should be coded as back pain, without V68.1. I would like to hear some opinions on this case. Thank you all, and have a wonderful day.