
Knoxville, TN
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Trying to get more information on MEAT documentation. Everywhere I read it says "simply listing every diagnosis is not acceptable or valid per official coding guidelines". But i can't find that document anywhere. Does anyone know where the find that document?
Hello Dje,
M.E.A.T. is type of documentation done on medical record for the day by provider. This is usually using templates plus the provider typed notes in the electronic record. MEAT means provider must Monitor(look at pt s signs vital pains and symptoms) Evaluate (look at test results lab or xray or vitals) Assessment( order the test and discuss and review results) Treatment suggestion of meds and therapies to help patient get better/healed. The provider will look at patients past medica history and current complaints and review of each body system aka as ROS. Also the provider will order necessary test required and if the problem is risky of death or not. Check the front chapter of the CPT manual give types of new vs established patient level of visits. Legally medical documentation must be done for stats purpose, so the next provider can review and sent record to insurance payer if request. the MEAT is supported by medically what the patient needs in coding the CPT or HCPCS or ICD10 disease codes. If it is not documented to support medical CPT or ICD10 codes selected cannot bill. The medical record needs why pt arriving nature of complaint, review all body system, vitals taken, review patient medical history and medication on and current history and plan of care plus signature of provider s notes and signature. If provider orders xray lab test or medication got proof of this too. The patient's treatment cannot be cloned the same each visit treated but must all make sense with CPT and ICD10 disease too.
I hope this data helped you understand documentation guide of MEAT.
Lady T
PS the CMS and NCCI government websites give more data on each CPT code for documentation with the ICD10 disease linked with CPT procedures.