Wiki Meaningful Use??


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:confused: Does anyone have information on the Medicare Meaningful Use for EHR? I know that there was an incentive program for it and there will be a reduction in payment for 2015 if the Meaningful Use is not used but I have heard different information on what codes will be effected and what codes the reduction will apply to. Some say ALL codes will be effected and some say only the E/M codes... Anyone have ANY help? :(

Thank you,
Valarie, CPC CPPM


I'm a bit confused as well. As far as I can tell, incentive payments are only available to certain providers, but everyone must enroll in an EHR by July 2014 in order to be certified as a meaningful user and not receive payment deductions as of January 1, 2015. Is that correct?

For example, I do billing for a small PT provider, who only sees 6 or 7 patients per month in her private practice. Although she receive Medicare payments, she would not be eligible for incentive payments because she does not work out of a hospital. But she is required to enroll in a EHR.

Can anyone clear this up for me? I've got two providers who are asking me questions, and I'm not clear on what to tell them.


Elizabeth Caissie, CPC