Wiki meaningful use information in the progress note

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Is anyone having difficulty with meaningful use information populating into the progress note? Family history became a meaningful use 10/1/15 so for example on a follow-up med check for ADHD the family history of Mom positive breast cancer is not relevant to the presenting problem but meets meaningful use. Should meaningful use information be populating to the progress note?
The Clinical Summary Visit is now appearing on the visits as well.
The physician is doing the work for the family history so is credit given for it even though it is not pertinent to the presenting problem?

I hope someone has some insight and perhaps references to share with me.

Thank you!
I hope others will chime in here too because MU and PQRS requirements are adding a lot of info to the note that may not be relevant to the presenting problems. As an auditor I struggle with this, too. Since medical necessity of billable services is the driving force, it would seem that, for example, giving credit toward an e/m level for family hx obtained to satisfy MU when it is simply not relevant to the presenting problem would be wrong. Remember?a 99214 requires a "problem-pertient" history element. Others agree??