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We do Drug testing in house at our pain management office and also document the results in our charts, im wondering if we get a point under clinical lab and 2 points for determining what the results are? ( direct view of specimen)...... also would it be considered high risk under drug terapy requiring intensive monitoring?
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Giving credit for the lab, I would......I am sort of on the line about the independent review, does he mention the results?

On Risk, absolutely NO! Drug therapy requiring extensive monitoring is for the drugs that have to be monitored for levels that can become toxic and cause poisioning/death. Some examples are: depakote, dilantin, lithium, and I even consider Coumadin (some do not count this but Coumadin is highly monitored). Conducting drug testing in a pain clinic is to check for non-approved drugs being taken by the patient, correct? At least they are in the Pain Clinic that I work with.

I would count that more under prescription drug management. Unless they are on a Parenteral Controlled Substance!
thank you for responding, you gave me alot of helpful information and yes he does mention the results in the chart note.