Wiki Mdm - workup planned


Best answers
Please advise on the difference between
Self-limited or minor problem
New problem, no additional workup planned
which is in New problem, no additional workup planned

How to say that it is a new problem.

If the pt has URI today.Is it a minor problem or a new problem?

Pls remove this tight knot for me.....
Cpt guidelines

Please look in your CPT book at the Evaluation & Management (E/M) Services Guidelines.

2009 Professional edition, beginning on bottom of page 3 Nature of Presenting Problem. These terms are all defined there.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC
A new problem is a problem that the treating physician has not seen the patient for before. If you have a patient that never saw the provider before, the problem(s) this patient comes with is(are) new. If the patient is established but developed something and sees the provider for this issue for the first time, then the problem is new. However, if the conditions for self-limited or minor apply then you'd count them accordingly. Examples of self-limited or minor are cold, insect bite, tinea corporis per my audit tool. Basically, problems that run their course pretty much regardless of a physician's intervention.
As Tessa pointed out, definitions are in the book.