Wiki MDM Risk


Abu Dhabi, UAE
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If a patient presents to Gynaecologist with lower abdominal pain, Amenorrhea, Irregular periods and is diagnosed with Fibroid uterus, what risk category will it fall into - Low or Moderate? Also what all data points can be considered for it to have MDM of Moderate complexity.
Just as a diagnosis, if this is confirmed to be benign, then it would be low, but if the physician decides on surgery to remove them, then that would increase the risk factor to moderate.

As for "data points" needed to make this moderate MDM, remember there are three areas for determining the level of MDM - number of diagnoses, data and risk. I wouldn't use the symptoms you listed as other diagnoses as they could be considered symptoms of the fibroid uterus. But if this is a new patient, that would be worth three or four points, depending on follow-up.

On the table, 3 data points are under the moderate column, but keep in mind that you have to meet that level on 2 of the 3 factors. So the best answer to just that question is, "it depends."