Wiki MDM question


True Blue
Rensselaer, NY
Best answers
Okay, this might be a senior moment or I may have been following an "urban myth" for a long time....but I have a question on the number of diagnoses that can be counted for points.

There is a limit of 2 self-limited or minor conditions that can be counted for problem points. However, does this limit also apply to established conditions? Only 2 est stable problems can be counted for points, only 2 est worsenting conditions can be counted for points, and so on? The audit tools only have the language on the line for self-limited, but I THOUGHT I had seen a long time that the same limit of 2 problems applies to established conditions. This can make a BIG difference in calculating problem points.

For new problems, same question. The audit tools state a max of 1 new problem w/o workup can count for points (3), but there is no limit of new problems that can be counted with workup. Again, I THOUGHT I had seen that the same applies to new problems with workup - only one is allowed, worth the 4 points (and extra points wouldn't matter anyway, since 4 is the max).

Thanks for the help - darn senior moments (happening FAR too frequently lately!)