Wiki MDM Pain Management procedures

Smithtown, NY
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I need education on pain management procedures in regards to MDM. The physician is billing 99214 when making a decision for the following procedures the dx falls within
Number and Complexity of Problems Addressed. Its the following Procedures . Are they procedures below considered minor surgery with identified patient or procedure risk factors ?

Epidural Steroid Injections- 64483
Medial/Facet Nerve Branch Block(s)- 64493
Radiofrequency Ablation -64633
Identified Patient or Procedure Risk Factors are -patient specific-. Unless the patient has a specific medical condition complicating the performance of the procedure, it should not be utilized, and would need to be separately documented. Documenting the normal risks of a procedure that would be common to all patients does not qualify.

Epidurals and Branch Blocks are minor procedures - simple, quick, 0-day global, often done in office, without anaesthesia. Would be hard to justify them as anything but.
Most people would consider RFA to be a minor procedure, but you could go either way, as there is no strict definition. If the doc wants to consider it a major procedure, he or she would have to document and justify it as such.
Identified Patient or Procedure Risk Factors are -patient specific-. Unless the patient has a specific medical condition complicating the performance of the procedure, it should not be utilized, and would need to be separately documented. Documenting the normal risks of a procedure that would be common to all patients does not qualify.

Epidurals and Branch Blocks are minor procedures - simple, quick, 0-day global, often done in office, without anaesthesia. Would be hard to justify them as anything but.
Most people would consider RFA to be a minor procedure, but you could go either way, as there is no strict definition. If the doc wants to consider it a major procedure, he or she would have to document and justify it as such.
Thankyou for this information :)