Wiki MDM New Problem with additional work up


Bozeman, MT
Best answers
What constitutes "additional work up" when addressing a new problem? Would any ancillary services count towards additional work up?

Jenell CPC, CPC-H
If physician ordered a CT scan then would you:

Table A. count this as new problem with additional workup = 4
Table C review and/or oder of test in radiology section of CPT= 1
Both. You have to consider the number of diagnostics and management options, the data ordered/reviewed and the risk involved, based on the provider's decision making for the presenting problem.

So if the patient presented with a new problem (cough x 4 weeks), was a long-time smoker and OTC cough meds were not working, so the physician ordered a CXR, you'd have a new problem w/workup, a data point for the radiology test, and under table of risk, you'd have a new problem with uncertain diagnosis. In this case, you'd have moderate MDM. In the table of risk, you'd go to the single highest level that most closely matches the scenario.