Wiki MDM - Major versus Minor surgery, identified risk factors

Buffalo, WY
Best answers
Medicare patient presents for consult with general surgeon - History of colon polyps and need for screening colonoscopy
Problems - 1 Hx of colon polyps
Data - 0
Risk - Decision to proceed with screening colonoscopy

PMH includes - Prostate hypertrophy, HTN, and type 2 diabetes, but none of these conditions is specifically identified as a risk factor for surgery, just listed in the PMH.

Is this a minor surgery (per CMS definition global period 0 days 45378), a minor surgery with identified risk factors since the additional conditions are listed in the PMH, or a major surgery with/without identified risk factors.

Is there any reference where I could find direction on how to determine minor versus major surgery for MDM?

In order to be considered identified risk factors does the physician have to document a possible negative impact on the proposed surgical procedure or is it enough to simply list the conditions in the medical history?

Thank you in advance. Any input is greatly appreciated.
