Wiki Mdm help


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Please help what am I missing ? I have a case study which gives me a Extended HPI,Extended ROS,and a Pertinent PFSH. Giving me a Detailed History a detailed exam. Now for the MDM it gives me Dx mgmt is extensive Data is Minimal and risk is Moderate. If it is suppose to meet 2 of the 3 on the table how do we end up with a
Moderate MDM which according to the Rationale are all the correct answers for this case study.
Please help what am I missing ? I have a case study which gives me a Extended HPI,Extended ROS,and a Pertinent PFSH. Giving me a Detailed History a detailed exam. Now for the MDM it gives me Dx mgmt is extensive Data is Minimal and risk is Moderate. If it is suppose to meet 2 of the 3 on the table how do we end up with a
Moderate MDM which according to the Rationale are all the correct answers for this case study.

Moderate MDM is correct for the scenario described above. If you are using an audit tool, there should be instructions, something like "Draw a line down any column with 2 or 3 circles to identify the type of MDM in that column. Otherwise, draw a line down the column with the 2nd circle from the left." So, in a nutshell, since you don't have a column with 2 or more circles, you throw out the highest level and go with the next one down...Moderate, in this case.

Does that help?
Yes that did help a lot you explained my missing piece. Thank you so much for your help!!!!
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