Sidney, NY
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Hi all!
I'm relatively new to behavioral health coding and am looking for E&M resources for both outpatient office visits and inpatient psych (for profee). I've been told by co-workers, who work in other specialties, that they've found adapted MDM grids more geared to their specialty. Does anyone know if there is one for behavioral health? And if so, where I can find it? I'm finding it almost impossible to get a High level unless they give the patient a parenteral control.
Hi all!
I'm relatively new to behavioral health coding and am looking for E&M resources for both outpatient office visits and inpatient psych (for profee). I've been told by co-workers, who work in other specialties, that they've found adapted MDM grids more geared to their specialty. Does anyone know if there is one for behavioral health? And if so, where I can find it? I'm finding it almost impossible to get a High level unless they give the patient a parenteral control.
The APA has one. It is from 2021, but still relevant. Italicized text signifies psychiatric specific examples that have been added for educational purposes by the APA. You can find it here:
All of the guidelines for all specialties are now the same, there are no more specific specialty requirements. Psych now fows the Medicare MDM table.l No more specific psych exam. If the patient has 2 stable chronic illnesses along with med management =99214. I hope that helps.

You might want to look at 90792 for an Initial Consultation/Evaluation Outpatient/Inpatient instead of the new patient E/M for MD, NP and CNS - Psych only.