Wiki MDM for encounter


La Plata, MD
Best answers
Trying to bring back from the dead my E/M skills. haven't been using them for a while.
My question is this:

If a physician makes SF MDM for an encounter except that the physician is to send the new patient to a specialist for further management options and then RTC for review, does this consult bump the MDM to low complexity MDM?

CC Pain in wrist
Hx Detailed
EX Detailed
A/P Ganglion cyst. Given consult to orthopedist for opinion and management. To RTC after consult.

Your views are appreciated. Just curious to see how others respond to this scenario.

Thank you!:)
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You also have to take into consideration what data the provider reviewed and/or ordered as well as diagnostic testing. So, I guess my question to you would be, what else did the provider do besides refer the patient to another doctor?
IMO - I do not think the referral to the specialist alone is enough to bump the MDM, your provider would need to give more information on why they are referring. (i.e. is there a mild or severe exacerbation of the condition, is it affecting other systems)