Wiki MDM - Federal Register


True Blue
Maricopa, Arizona
Best answers
Good afternoon,

Is it my imagination or did the Federal Register have MDM on E/M levels as one of the items on their hitlist for this or next year? I can't find it on the FR and am beginning to doubt I've seen it. Please HELP!

Good afternoon,

Is it my imagination or did the Federal Register have MDM on E/M levels as one of the items on their hitlist for this or next year? I can't find it on the FR and am beginning to doubt I've seen it. Please HELP!


Would you mind elaborating on this alittle more. I'm very interested but don't see exactly what you're referring to in the manual provided by the link.

Thanks in advance
I'm not sure what exactly Cyndi was looking for, but the OIG work plan lists problem areas that the government is keeping an eye on
If you go to the OIG website under publication and click on Workplan you can see what areas the OIG is looking at. The 2012 workplan is available now. There are different section for Part A, Part B etc. As and example some of the areas for physicians for 2012 are; Place of Service Errors, Incident To Services, Impact of Opting Out of Medicare, Trends in Coding of Claims, E/M Services Provided During the Global Period. There are more and they are also looking at ambulance providers, ASCs, Hospitals (Part A).
Good afternoon,

Is it my imagination or did the Federal Register have MDM on E/M levels as one of the items on their hitlist for this or next year? I can't find it on the FR and am beginning to doubt I've seen it. Please HELP!


Hey Cyndi,
I didn't see it as specific to MDM but rather they are looking at several factors related to E/M coding, like the EMR/EHR problem of the same documentation being copied for multiple visits...and just making sure that the level of service that was reported and paid was actually documented in the chart.