Wiki MDM data points for four separate biopsy/pathology


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I would like everyone's opinion...

Patient has 4 separate lesions biopsies, each sent off for pathology (i.e., 88305x4).

For MDM data points, you get 1 point for ordering path (radiology). So how do you handle four separate lesions sent to path?

I can look at this two ways.

1. Similar to ordering clinical labs (e.g., blood work) you get 1 data point regardless of the number of blood tests ordered


2. Four separate problems are being addressed. The provider made the decision on four separate unrelated lesions, each having a potentially different diagnosis. I can consider this as having performed medical decision making four separate times, and would lean towards 88305 x 4 generating a total of four MDM data points

Anyone know of any carrier FAQs or other authoritative sources that might clarify this issue?