Wiki MDM Components


Jacksonville, FL
Best answers
Good Afternoon Everyone!! :D

I'd like some additional feedback on calculating the different elements on the Medical Decision Making.

DX/Mgmt Options is falling under Extensive
Data points is falling under Extensive
Table of Risk is falling under Moderate

How I read the guidelines is 2 of the 3 elements must meet or exceed to qualify for a level.

So if you have Extensive, Extensive, and Moderate, would you code the MDM as High Complexity since 2 of the 3 are meeting? There is some debate regarding this and I'd like to see how other's view the MDM.

Thanks for your time and input
Yes, because you discard the lowest of the three and then use the lower of the remaining two.

I agree

There is a company stating that The Table of Risks must be a component in the selection. I don't agree with this statement. No where in the Medicare Guidelines does it state that. It only states 2 of the 3 elements must be met or exceed to qualify for a level of Decision Making. Are there any other coder's out there that use the Table of Risks solely on the MDM selection?