Wiki MDM and Seizure


True Blue
Overland Park, KS
Best answers
A male patient came into our clinic complaining of headache, sore throat, and fatigue. He tested positive for mono and was also diagnosed with pharyngitis. He had a seizure while in the office lasting 30 seconds. 911 was called and the patient was transported to the ER.

Here is my question....I understand that the seizure would constitute high risk, but what about the points for the diagnoses/management options? Would I assign 3 points for new problem (this is a new patient) with no additional w/o, or since the patient was transported to the ER, would it be 4 points? Does a transfer to the ER equal addtional w/o? Thanks.
The scenerio you gave would constitute 4 points under the diagnosis or treatment options. The patient is new and the problems are new with additional work up, the lab work that diagnosis him with mono.

Hope this help,