Wiki MD seeing pts at a psychiatric facility

Prattville, AL
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:eek:Please help!!! Our doctors at our facility go and see pts at the psychiatric facility and some insurances are denying. This is why:
for example---We have a patient John Doe and he gets admitted into the Psych facility for
severe depression. The psychiatric doctor (not our dr) who sees him over there upon doing his work up sees he has hypertension and diabetes so he calls us and asks us to come over for medical management to see the patient. We in turn see the pt with the dx of hypertension and diabetes. Pt has Viva Medicare but carries a psych on his policy.
So we bill the psych insurance with our diagnosis and it denies. Psych ins tell us to bill
Viva Mcare due to we are not psych doctors and we are not seeing pt for psych issues.
Well when we bill Viva Mcare they are denying telling us we need to bill the psych ins due to it was done in a psych facility (using POS 51-inpatient psych facility). This is happening with all are pts that have a psych policy on their primary insurance. Don't know what else to do!!!!!! Please help!!!!!!