Wiki MD Attestation for NPP


Aventura, FL
Best answers

I am trying to find out if these scenarios for inpatient subsequent care can be billed:

The NPP documented the Hx, PE and MDM.
The MD made an attestation and confirmed that he personally saw and examined the pt and reviewed/agreed to the NPP's note. the notes are linked and the MD did not document any of the components( Hx,PE or MDM).

1.- The NPP is employed by the hospital, Can we bill the EM under the MD's NPI?
2.- The NPP and MD belong to same group/Employer, Can we bill under the Md's NPI?

Thanks for your help!
To bill a shared visit under the MD NPI, the MD must document that he/she personally performed some part of the exam and document their own note. CR 1776 states that if there is no documented face-to-face encounter between the physician and the patient, even if the physician signs off on the document, the visit must be billed under the physician NPI. The AMA stated that just adding a note stating they have seen the patient and agree with the note is insufficient.
you cannot bill for the physician NPI if the NP is employed by someone else.